企業・団体名/英文表記 | Demax Medical |
企業・団体名/フリガナ | Demax Medical |
住所 | 19th Floor, Plaza B, YiCheng International Center,10 RongHua ZhongLu, BDA Beijing, China |
電話番号 | +86-(0)10-67865401 |
ホームページURL | http://www.demaxoem.com |
企業・団体概要 | Since 2015, with the vision of producing China’s own high-quality medical devices, Demax has been committed to the R&D, production and sales of coronary artery intervention, neurointerventions and percutaneous peripheral interventions. Provide a variety of world-class medical catheters, medical guide wires, ODM products, precision tubing, precision injection molds, intelligent manufacturing production lines and other services. |
企業・団体カテゴリ | プラスチック加工、プラスチック部品/材料 完成部品・パーツ ポンプ、弁、バルブ、空圧機器 チューブ、パイプ、針、ピン、管材料 OEM/受託製造サービス その他 |
出展概要 | Quality results from a thorough examination of each process. We focus on every technical detail to provide an overall solution for single-use sterile medical devices. Meanwhile, advancements and developments in coating preparation and coating technology, molding technology, welding technology, bonding, and testing technology are still being made. To guarantee every step of the production process, we closely adhere to the quality requirements and set up a medical device quality management system in compliance with ISO9001 and ISO13485. |